When I saw the “Hot Now” neon sign, all sense of self-control vanished. I had to have one. The heck with calories and sugar levels.
My wife and I were ushering Mom to a Christmas concert. As our car crept up to the parking lot and we prepared to park, I couldn’t help but notice what lay lit up across the street. A Krispy Kreme doughnut shop…freshly built…with the all-important neon sign shouting an essential message for lovers of dough, sugar and fillings. We immediately made plans to visit as soon as the concert concluded. I enjoyed the music, but my mouth watered for what followed. And I wasn’t disappointed. One dozen was just enough for the ride home and breakfast the following two mornings. A classic picture of self-control’s absence.
Living the good life begins by accepting the forgiveness offered through a relationship with Jesus Christ but is followed by self-control. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with self-control, righteousness, and devotion to God (Titus 2:12 NLT).
Self-control makes it possible for us to live in a sinful world without constantly succumbing to its temptations. Without it, my life runs out of control when I see flashy signs illuminated, smell luscious aromas prancing around my nose, and sample what initially tantalizes my taste buds but quickly turns bitter in my stomach. Self-control isn’t instantly learned, but through experience and dependence on God’s power we can discover how to leave alone what’s better left alone. Discover God’s will in his Word, and then ask him for the power to avoid any unhealthy and sinful habits that attract you. Sin can’t control us when our lives are controlled by Christ.
Prayer: All-powerful God, fill us with the strength we need to live above sin through a life controlled by Your Spirit.

Wow! That was a great post! So true!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for linking up!
Did you ever notice that of the 9 fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22, 23 that temperance or self-control is the last in the list? Also notice that these are fruits of His Spirit as opposed to fruits of our spirit or our efforts. It is a fruit that is possibly the most prized as it takes the longest amount of time spent under His direction to come to fruition.