Wendy’s first aired the ad on January 10, 1984 and featured three ladies examining a large hamburger bun with a miniscule piece of meat. The other two ladies made comments about the bun but Peller interrupted with “Where’s the beef?” Her comment became a catchphrase used to question the substance of ideas, events and products.
But I sometimes wonder “Where’s the confidence?” Ananias obviously didn’t have any in Saul-and with good reason. Saul was persecuting the church, dragging Christians off to prison and consenting to their deaths. When God told Ananias to find Saul and lay his hands on him so his sight would return, he said, Lord…I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem (Acts 9:13). So Ananias went, but no doubt reluctantly.
One of my favorite “Where’s the confidence” verses is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13 NKJV). In spite of my faults, failures, fears and misgivings about myself, I can actually do whatever God wants me to do because his power flows through my veins.
God can do the same in others. Ananias thought Paul was useless and dangerous. I’ve occasionally been guilty of “Ananias thinking” too. When I am, God gently reminds me that apart from his grace I’d be useless as well. No one is beyond God’s grace or use regardless of who they are or what they’ve done. Have confidence in yourself and others. God does.
Prayer: Great God, when we don’t think we can, remind us You can through us.

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