Moving is seldom enjoyable even when you’re going to a place you love. I once calculated my moving career and discovered the average stay at any place was less than two years. Initially, this was my dad’s fault. Then it was mine. The life of a preacher’s kid is similar to a MK (missionary kid) and an AB (army brat). Life is lived on the move.
Our most recent move took us from LowCountry to Upstate South Carolina and required stuffing our “stuff” into a 12 by 16 and 10 by 10 foot storage building. Not an easy task, even for one accustomed to packing a lot in small spaces. Sweat, aggravation, focus, contemplation, sore muscles and long days all accompanied our move.
I truly don’t care to change locations anymore-although it’s probably inevitable I will. But I am concerned about my final move which I’m banking will take me upward instead of laterally. Paul was too. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day (II Timothy 4:8).
None of us can know when we’ll make the final move, but we will make it because death is inevitable and so is Christ’s second coming. Whichever comes first is immaterial; the result is the same-endless eternity. Once there, we stay. We can’t leave hell for heaven and we wouldn’t want the reverse. Faith in Christ for forgiveness of our sins assures our final move will be in the right direction. Make sure you’re prepared for your final move.
Prayer: Precious Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness that assures our final move means an eternity with You.

So thankful to know my "final move" will be upward to be with Jesus.
Mary Beth @newlifesteward
Such truth… our family has moved 6 times in 6 years… so it is important to keep this eternal perspective!
ReplyDeleteThankful my life is secured in Him and I know where my final move will take me! May you have a blessed New Year!
ReplyDeleteWow. I wasn't even an Army Brat, but we moved every year because my step father was an itinerate farmer with (drum roll please) 12 kids. Imagine moving that? Anyway. Good post and great reminder. May we all be ready for the "big move" into the arms of the Father. Blessings ~Chris~
ReplyDeleteMoving is such a chore but our final one we won't have to pack! Amen! Visiting from Sunday Stillness ♥