Friday, December 16, 2011

Unimaginable Possibilities

I Corinthians 2:9 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. (NIV)

RONALD WAS A freckled face nine year old who loved lying on his grandmother’s lap letting her count his spots. He’d never confess this to his friends though; he had a hard enough time making them in the first place.
Ronald came from a simple family. No one was wealthy or famous. There were no world travelers. With the exception of his father, no one had attended college. Ron’s future looked bleak. No money and not much hope of being more than his roots dictated.
Somewhere in his journey, Ron discovered all things are possible with God. And he grasped his importance to God. What God could do for and through him was unimaginable and exciting.
Paul introduced a God of unlimited power. Family heritage, position on the social totem pole, appearance, physical limitations, and wealth are immaterial. God is never limited by our limitations. Obedience opens heaven’s flood gates. It can even change our definition of success.
God has wonderful things prepared for those who love him, and love is demonstrated by obedience to his commands. But God can’t use dirty vessels; they don’t reflect his holy nature.
Ron eventually graduated college and received a post graduate degree. He later became a free lance writer and author. But he wasn’t interested in fame; just obedience. And as he obeyed, God gave him possibilities he never imagined.
Choose obedience and let God architect an unimaginable future for you.

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