Monday, August 8, 2011

Love Steps Lightly

(photo courtesy from
Galatians 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (NKJV)

I’ve always enjoyed walking, and doctors agree it’s probably one of the most beneficial exercises we can do. It doesn’t jar the joints like running, and it can be quite relaxing. I can listen to birds, watch wildlife, notice wildflowers beside the road, smile at the spider web constructed during the night, and speak to a neighbor, all while exercising. During the summer months when the heat and humidity are high, walking outside becomes a chore and unenjoyable. When walking in the Spirit, we learn to listen to God as we live out the details of our life. But there’s also something that will interfere with the success of that-walking by the flesh. The flesh is old patterns of behavior that get in the way of our successful Christian living. I take pleasure in walking when the conditions are right, and my walk with God will be more enjoyable too when I rid my life of practices that don’t fit who I am.

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