Life is rarely enjoyable when the brook dries up.
One of the brooks I regularly drink from is writing. God gave me this gift a number of years ago, and I attempt to use it faithfully in ways that honor him. But in spite of knowing He gave the gift, the brook runs dry more times than I wish.
Rejections. They are never easy for writers. Somehow, our self-esteem gets tangled up in our writing. Rejection letters strike devastating blows. In reality, the article, devotion, or poem may be perfectly good, but the editor simply doesn’t have room for it. Yet, my self-esteem suffers. The brook dries up.
Elijah had just delivered a dangerous message to the king: no rain would fall for an extended period of time. Then the Lord told him to hide by Kerith Brook. His water would come from the brook, and ravens would deliver food. Things went well…until the brook dried up.
Dry brooks come in many forms: financial crashes, relationship upheavals, marriage unfaithfulness, physical limitations, injuries, unemployment, rebellion, addictions.
When the brook dries up, it isn’t a sign God has left and isn’t working in my life. God is always working behind the scenes. Like set preparers for a play, I may not see God’s hand, but He’s there nonetheless.
When the set is being changed during a play, I sit and wait for the changers to finish their job. With God, I believe by faith He is working. I keep doing what I was doing until I receive further instruction. Elijah remained by the dry brook until God told him to go to a nearby village.
When the brook dries up, it may be that God is testing my faith or preparing me for greater service. God tested Abraham’s faith when He told him to sacrifice his only son. Moses was prepared for greater service by spending time on the backside of a desert.
Elijah was being prepared for greater opportunities. He would soon have a mountain showdown with 400 pagan prophets.
Dried up brooks offer the chance for me to examine my obedience. If I’m obeying God, then I can be sure the brook will once again overflow its banks. Others may try to discourage me, but my faith and God’s power will carry me through.
How do you respond when your brook dries up?
Prayer: Father, when the brooks dry up, increase our faith and determination to follow You obediently and to depend on You for wisdom.
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