Direction determines destination.
MapQuest is one of my favorite driving directions applications. Siri is nice, but she tends to misunderstand my southern accent. With MapQuest, I simply plug in my desired destination, and it takes me there. It even has a voice to guide me so I don’t have to distract myself by looking at the listed directions. But in order for MapQuest to take me somewhere, I must put in my intended destination.
Recently, I plugged in Herdon, West Virginia—the place where my brother and his wife moved a few months ago. Had I entered some other destination, we wouldn’t have arrived in Herdon. Six hours later, we arrived in Herndon but only because I headed in the right direction to begin with.
The psalmist did what all people must do at some point in life: ponder the direction they are heading or plan to head. Relationship with God, career, college, place of residence, investments, relationships. All require going in a particular direction to reach the proper destination.
Forty six years ago, I discerned a direction I needed to go. The direction involved turning my life over to Jesus Christ, asking him to forgive my sins, and making a commitment to serve him faithfully and unashamedly. For most of those years, I’ve headed in the right direction. When I have, I’ve always arrived at my intended destination: godly living.
The few times I’ve taken a detour, I’ve found myself involved in pursuits and relationships I should have left alone. Direction determines destination. But if I consulted my life map, God was faithful to take me back to the route that would lead me once again to my intended objective.
Heaven is my ultimate destination. I’m closer now than I’ve ever been. I may make a few more unintended detours, but I have the assurance I’ll arrive safely. My heavenly guide is better than any app I could download. He always gets me where I need to go if I’ll take his advice and follow his directions.
Let your life destination be to love and serve God.
Prayer: Father, guide us to Your destination for our life, and give us the fortitude to never veer from the route.

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