I was twelve and in love with God. My parents had taught me to love God, and I was doing my best. The world of religion was intriguing. I memorized Bible verses along with the Bible’s books. I wanted to know and understand all I could. And that’s when I felt the call that my life’s profession would in some way relate to my passion. I didn’t know how…but I knew.
Unfortunately, I didn’t follow the call when I reached the age to make the call. By then, peer pressure had won out. I still loved God, but rebellion had forced the invitation into the hidden recesses of my mind. I wasn’t hearing clearly any longer.
Unlike the first disciples Jesus called, I didn’t obey immediately. That came later. He called them at once, and they also followed him, leaving their father, Zebedee, in the boat with the hired men. (Mark 1:20 NLT)
Though I didn’t follow the first time I heard God’s summons, I learned through later experiences to follow immediately when God calls me to a task. Like the disciples, I must leave whatever I’m doing. God’s assignments are always more important.
My obedience should also be consistent. Sporadic obedience to God’s commands and his projects will never result in the spiritual maturity God desires I enjoy. Only by consistently “leaving immediately” can I know the abundant life he offers.
As important as obedience is, my motives are even more so. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were sticklers for obedience…but it was merely rote obedience. My motives for heeding the call must be love for Jesus, love for others, and a cavernous desire to grow more Christlike in my actions and attitudes.
Do you obey immediately when God beckons you to a task?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, prompt us to be quick in our obedience regardless of the mission You call us to.
Glad I found this post through Michelle DeRusha today! Obedience is my central focus now - listening for His voice and heeding it - being God-centered in everything.