The Carsons* attended a church I pastored. The mother had been a shut-in for a number of years. The son had suffered a failed marriage some years before and lived with his mother most of the time since then. He farmed, but hadn’t worked a secular job in quite some time. Most of their income came from Mom’s social security check. Visiting with them always caused me to need an optimism pill when I left. Nothing ever went their way…ever. And they didn’t mind sharing the stories of their never-ending unfortunate circumstances.
Negativism is somewhat like farming. If I sow negative thoughts and words, I’ll reap a harvest of the same—and spread it to others. Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop (II Corinthians 9:6 NLT).
I can expect the best because I’m God’s child. My life events are controlled by a loving and sovereign Being with whom I’m intimately affiliated. They’re not random nor are they controlled by fate or some other force.
I can expect the best because my Savior has good and wholesome plans for me. He has no thoughts of hurting me or making my life miserable. Rather, he wants me to prosper and enjoy the abundant life he offers.
I can also expect the best because I know—regardless of how my circumstances might appear, that he is working behind the scenes to conform my thoughts, words, and actions to the image of Christ. This knowledge helps me stay positive even through trials and temptations. He is preparing me for eternity with him.
Has negativism taken over your life? If so, expect God’s best and be positive.
Prayer: Help us, merciful Father, to sow positive seeds so we might reap a similar harvest.
*Names changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.

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