Friday, October 18, 2013

Claiming God’s Promises by Martin Wiles

I made several promises when I said “I do,” and I sincerely intend to keep them.

I promised my wife I would love her forever—“until death do us part.” I’m presently keeping this promise and intend to continue doing so. Our days together grow sweeter, and our love changes as it deepens into a more intimate relationship. I promised to love her in good times and in bad.  And we’ve had our share of both. The good times we enjoy, and the bad times draw us closer together and strengthen our bond. I also promised I’d stick by her in sickness and health. She’s experienced both, and I’m still standing by her side.

God made some promises to Abraham and his children—of which I’m one through my connection with Christ. For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever (Luke 1:55 NLT).

God promises to—and does, love me unconditionally. Living in a society where work is rewarded with pay and extreme effort with trophies, makes this trait of God difficult to digest. I don’t have to do anything to make God love me nor can I do anything to make him stop loving me. I can offend him with sinful actions, but his love is constant.

God also promises to save me eternally when I trust in and ask for the forgiveness his Son purchased on Calvary. I’m his child now and will be forever. Nothing I can do, say, or think will cause him to ever turn me away.

Furthermore, God promises to abide with me daily and continuously. He fulfills this promise by giving me the presence of his Holy Spirit when I trust him as my Savior. Through the Spirit, he gives me guidance, wisdom, teaching, and comfort.

Have you claimed the promises of God?

Prayer: Loving God, thank You for wonderful promises. May we claim them with confidence.

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