My wife and I once lived in a one-hundred-year-old home with two diminutive unlit closets. Then we moved to a 2500 square foot home with closets galore. Presently we’re enjoying inadequate closet space again. One is stacked with treasures we don’t have room to unpack, another is crammed with coats, and still another functions as a laundry room, clothes closet, and linen closet combined.
Jesus spoke about a closet. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father (Matthew 6:6 KJV). I have the privilege of praying anywhere, anytime, and as often as I want, but concentrated closet times are essential.
Prayer closets help eliminate daily distractions so I can focus on listening to God. My typical day is crowded by eighty chattering students, television, the internet, eating, cleaning, writing, loving my wife, and caring for our dog. I need silence to hear God.
I also visit my prayer closet regularly. Sure I throw up the periodic microwave prayer, but the closet is where I spend quality time with my Savior. While there is no designated “sacred” amount, it should be long enough to attend to spiritual business.
Additionally, prayer closets equip me for the spiritual scraps with the Enemy. Satan can attack me in my closet just as easily as he can when I’m crowded by the day’s busyness. His favorite playground is my mind. And while the silence of the closet is inviting for God, it’s also enticing for the Adversary. He loves to distract by drawing my mind to mundane things instead of spiritual issues.
If you’ve been neglecting your prayer closet, make it a goal to visit it at least once a day.
Prayer: Thank You Heavenly Lord for inviting us to visit Your throne room of grace. Encourage us to come regularly and desperately so we might find help in our times of need.
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