Monday, March 11, 2013

Patience Please by Martin Wiles

Series: Living a Life of Excellence

Friday afternoon had finally arrived. I was eagerly anticipating the weekend but had a number of things to accomplish if I was to enjoy it- most of which required internet access. When I clicked on my browser, that dreaded message appeared: “Internet Explorer cannot display this page.” I glanced at the router; I was disconnected.

Nothing tries my patience any more than an absence of internet access. Much of what I do with my employment, hobbies, and writing requires it. Interruptions in service are major inconveniences. Adding to my frustration was being told it would be Monday before a repair person could come.

My wife tells me I have little patience…sometimes none at all. Unfortunately she’s right most of the time, but a life of spiritual excellence demands it. And knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance (II Peter 1:6 NLT). Lack of patience can result in fights, destroy friendships, damage relationships, cause us to lose out on financial gain, and more importantly lead us to miss God’s best.

Patience, like contentment, takes time. I learn to be content; I’m taught to be patient. And God often uses insignificant things to accomplish it. Like putting me in a traffic jam or in line behind a coupon shopper at a grocery store. Personality type also affects how easily we develop patience. I’m Type A…impatient, organized, scheduled, over-booked. God has to work extra hard on people like me. But it’s God’s job to hone and mine to respond appropriately. So he sends those trying circumstances, and I choose whether I’ll allow them to produce more patience or destroy what little I’ve accumulated.

Patience is a virtue. Ask God to help you respond appropriately in frustrating situations so he can build patience…and a life of excellence, in you.

Prayer: Thank You Father for Your longsuffering nature. We ask You to develop this trait in us so we might demonstrate Your patient love and concern with others.

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  1. Hey there, I am with you when my inter-net connection is not working. I usually turn off my computer and re-boot hoping that will work and sometimes it does. My husband took an evening computer repair class, and he is usually able to fix the small things that block our access. Patience, not usually at our house either, but the wait is worth it. Great post, I enjoyed your story.

  2. Hi! I found you from the blog hop and glad I did! Looking forward to reading through your blog!

  3. Well said, Martin. Your post reminds me of Hebrews 12:11 -- my favorite verse for learning the disciplines of the Christian life: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Thanks for a great reminder.
