Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself. 1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT
Hearing about ugly episodes is a normal part of any day.
The early settlers along the James River—in what would become the United States of America, had some ugly in them even though they were responsible for the founding of one of the greatest nations in the world.
Although the Native Americans helped them survive, the settlers fought with them and eventually pushed them from their land. Soon slavery made its ugly entrance into the young colonies. Africans were imported by the millions and crowded in squalid conditions on ships where many died before they ever reached the colonies.
As the colonies grew into a country and westward expansion occurred, slavery increased and so did the mistreatment of other Native Americans.
Ugly didn’t cease once America was finalized with 50 states. Nor is it confined to America. I listen to ugly every day when I hear about murders, rapes, terrorist acts, natural disasters, and other acts of unkindness. I sometimes wonder where the pretty is.
Since my body is a temple of God’s Spirit, it should be a pretty place.
I’ve never considered myself handsome. I can’t remember girls pining to date me when I was in high school. I had somewhat of an ugly complex. But regardless of how I appear on the outside, my inside can be handsome.
Sin makes me ugly.
It’s easy to make light of sin by redefining it, calling it something else, or making it appear less tragic than it is. No matter what I do with it, God still sees it as ugly. Sin is behind the ugly I hear about and see each day. The absence of sin would result in the annihilation of all that’s bad in our world.
The only way I can keep my temple clean is to accept God’s solution for ugly: forgiveness.
If ugly will separate me eternally from God, then I better fix it. Accepting what Christ has done on Calvary’s cross allows His righteousness to be credited to my account. Then I’m not ugly in God’s sight anymore. With the help of God’s Spirit indwelling me, my pretty inside will manifest itself outwardly in kind words and admirable actions, making the world a better place.
Let God transform your ugly to beauty.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the beautiful new nature You offer us through Jesus Christ.
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