They gathered around their teacher with wide-open eyes, eager to hear what she’d say.
Our annual Vacation Bible School had arrived. Things would be different this year since our classroom building was under renovation and we were short on teachers. Our director planned to step in as a teacher, combine two classes, and share her Bible stories in the auditorium.
Following the pledges to the flags and the Bible—and the receiving of the offering, the older children were dismissed and the two younger classes invited to circle around their teacher at the front. Like starving animals, they herded around their leader. After she settled them down, she began her story. Each night, the process repeated itself with the same anticipation. When question time came, they were eager to respond.
I watched with amazement from the back of the building, thinking how I never witness such a sight with adults—myself included. I pondered over what happens that makes us lose our childhood excitement over learning about Jesus and being His follower. Jesus says if I’m to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I must become like a little child.
Acting like a child means having childlike faith.
When the story of Jonah and the great fish was related, the children didn’t question whether the event actually happened or whether it was a legend. Nor did they debate whether it was a large fish or a whale. They took the story at face value and learned the lesson: disobedience has consequences and Jesus wants us to obey Him.
Acting like a child involves giving my all: money, time, and possessions.
Boys and girls competed to see who could bring the most change. The charitable organization their money would support had been announced the first night. Though competition drove the total, the children gave to help others.
Acting like a child entails never losing my excitement over serving and learning about Jesus.
Some of the children attended church regularly; others never went. Regardless, they were all excited to hear and learn. God wants me growing in my relationship with Him—and getting more rather than less excited as time marches on.
When it comes to serving Christ, act like a child.
Prayer: Father, help us never lose our excitement over being Your child and maturing in our walk with You.
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