Rehearsed materials tend to stay around longer.
For the final two weeks of school, I required my middle school language arts students to rehearse what they had learned during the year. The final exam would cover the entire book, so I wanted to make sure they remembered all the concepts. As we encountered new concepts along the way, I had reminded them of concepts we had already learned.
By rehearsing material from previous chapters, they had a better chance of transferring that material from their short to their long-term memory. The grades revealed that some should have rehearsed a little more.
Rehearsing is essential with much of what we do in life. Those who plan to sing at church rehearse. Professional singers rehearse. Playing sports requires rehearsing prior to games.
Rehearsing is also a part of my Christian walk.
God told the ancient Israelites to rehearse His commands. Not only were they to know them personally, but they were also to teach them to their children by rehearsing them every day and in every situation. Rehearsing would lead to remembering.
Rehearsing God’s Word is important as well as commanded by God, but I still have to make the choice to do it. God won’t force me to learn His Word.
As a child, I was required to memorize various Bible verses, along with the books of the Bible. Children in my father’s church practiced sword drills which entailed a contest to see who could locate a book of the Bible quicker. But as an adult, the choice is mine.
When I rehearse God’s Word, it forces me to meditate on it.
What is on my mind I will think about often. God will bring His Word to my conscience when it is embedded in my memory. This is beneficial when I’m tempted. God’s Word reminds me of His requirements and of His ability to help me fend off my arch enemy.
Rehearsing God’s Word also aids me when I’m questioned about what I believe and why.
When His Word is in my heart, I’ll be prepared to give an answer to the curious and to the skeptics.
Don’t let anything keep you from rehearsing God’s Word.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word that calms our fears, lifts our spirits, and strengthens us for any circumstances we might face.
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