Thursday, October 13, 2016

Buried Treasure - Martin Wiles

And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. Ezekiel 36:26 NLT

I walked by it numerous times but never knew it was there.

As I stood by our front door waiting on my wife, I saw one of the many squirrels that scamper through our neighborhood subdivision doing what squirrels do. With the exception of a few oaks, there are no nut producing trees in our neighborhood. I’ve often wondered what it is these squirrels are constantly burying. 

On this particular day, I observed as he scooted about our small front yard. Suddenly, he stopped at a particular place, positioned his small front feet for digging, and got to work. Within a matter of seconds, he had unearthed a pecan which he promptly placed between his front teeth. Our yard held a buried treasure I knew nothing about. 

A buried treasure of greater importance is found in the innermost parts of every person who chooses to follow Jesus Christ. Ezekiel prophesied of a time when God would give the Spirit in a new way.

God’s Holy Spirit is every believer’s buried treasure. Not buried in that it’s unable to be located but buried in the sense that for many He is an untapped resource for successful living. Just as buried treasure does no one any good as long as it’s buried, so the indwelling Spirit doesn’t either if we don’t tap into His power.

God gives His Spirit the moment we trust His Son as our Savior. If we unearth the power of His presence, He will give unexplainable comfort when we need it. Since life is tough and regularly throws bombshells our way, His comfort is required on a regular basis. His comfort is a feeling deep inside that everything will be alright because God loves us and is in control.

God’s Spirit not only gives comfort, but He also gives strength to keep going when times are tough, when we are being opposed for our work for God, and when disappointment and depression zap our energy level.

A further advantage of God’s buried treasure is the gifts He gives for work in God’s service. Our work for God would be impossible to complete with any notable track record if it were not for His Spirit awarding us with callings, talents, and special gifts. 

Have you unearthed the power of God’s buried treasure?

Prayer: Father, thank You for the presence and power of Your Spirit who gives us the authority and strength to do the work You’ve called us to do.

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