Unless I live in a nudist colony, dressing is necessary.
Dressing for success is more along the lines of what I’ve been taught. Dressing down for work or for a night out on the town wasn’t the norm when I was growing up. Sundays meant a suit and a tie—sometimes even a vest. Shoes were shined on Saturday night. Going out on the town meant looking presentable as well. Shirttails were tucked, and at least dress blue jeans were worn.
Dressing for a job interview meant almost repeating what I did for Sunday. Work attire required suitable clothes for appropriate positions—jeans for dirty jobs and dress slacks, shirts, and perhaps a tie for professional positions. Dressing correctly was a part of being ready.
Jesus instructed His followers to dress for His return. He compared Himself to a master returning from a wedding feast and finding some of his servants ready and some not. The ones who were ready would be shown special favor.
Being dressed and ready involves wearing the helmet of salvation. Helmets guard the brain and mind. With the mind, we think, reason, and consider. Thoughts in turn produce actions. When we think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report, we’ll act accordingly.
Next are the shoes of peace. Our world is filled with war and turmoil. It needs people who will boldly carry the message of peace, which the gospel brings.
Dressing for God’s work also entails putting on the breastplate of righteousness. God actually puts this around us when we place our faith in what His Son accomplished on Calvary’s cross. Through faith, we trade our sinfulness for Christ’s righteousness, thereby placing us on good terms with our Heavenly Father.
The belt of truth snuggles our garments. If we don’t stand for truth, we’ll fall for anything.
The shield of faith enables us to ward off the fiery darts of Satan. By faith, we can overcome the temptations he sends our way.
Our sword is the Word of God. By studying it, we receive power to dress in godliness, serve in sincerity, and act with integrity.
Are you dressed and ready to serve the King of Kings?
Prayer: Father, prod us to dress appropriately so we might be ready to do Your work.

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