Monday, March 7, 2016

Never Beyond Reach - Martin Wiles

Notice that it says, “he ascended.” This means that Christ first came down to the lowly world in which we live. Ephesians 4:9 NLT

Though he tries, some things are simply beyond his reach.

Our oldest grandson is two and a half years of age. I can’t help but notice some of the things he wants to do, but can’t because of his height. When the dog wants to come in, he tries to open the door but can’t, so I hear, “Papa, Twix is barking.” He’s leery of the dark and wants the light on so he can get his toys but can’t reach the switch. “Papa, it’s dark,” is his way of asking me to do what he can’t. And if he wants a toy on the top shelf of his toy rack, “Pop, I want ______.” Anything beyond his reach, he depends on me or MeMe to help him get. 

If the early believers were going to accomplish the mission Christ gave them—to tell the world of his love, they would need an example, gifts, and power. To make them reachable, Christ descended to earth. During His short ministry, He gave the example. When He ascended back into heaven, He sent the Spirit who gave gifts, power, and authority. 

As a six foot one inch adult, some things are still beyond my reach. Salvation was. So Christ secured it for me by dying on the cross to pay the sin debt I and everyone else owed. Now I can enjoy basking in what I could never have reached had he not descended to me. 

Godly wisdom is often beyond my reach. The world is a confusing place. I’m confronted by situations requiring more wisdom than I can muster on my own. But God’s wisdom is unlimited. When sound judgment is beyond my ability to touch, God raises me up so I can grasp what I so desperately need. 

Strength to face life’s trials, stresses, and temptations is also higher than my fingertips. Once again, God helps me do what I can’t. With his assistance, I can reach the power needed to walk through the trial and come out stronger on the other side. God enables me to square off with Satan, knowing the battle is won because of God’s power bubbling in me. 

Whatever is beyond your reach, God can raise you high enough to seize it. 

Prayer: Father, thank You for descending to give us what we needed so that by Your power we can reach what we need to live abundantly. 

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