Wednesday, March 30, 2016

God’s Talking Donkey - Martin Wiles

Then the Lord caused the donkey to speak. “What have I done to you that deserves your beating me these three times?” Numbers 22:28 NLT

Although He has His normal means, God isn’t limited in the means He can use to get our attention.

My wife and I are the proud—well, sometimes proud, owners of a Deer Chihuahua. Since he was our daughter’s dog and has been passed around, I feel sorry for him and put up with his cantankerous ways. I’ve never heard him speak audibly—and would question my state of mind if I did, but he has his ways of making his wishes known. 

With his eyes or by snorting, our dog communicates, “I need to go outside,” “I want a treat,” or “Will you recline so I can snuggle?” Over the years, I’ve learned to understand which he’s trying to relate. There’ve been times when I’ve scolded him for snorting or staring even though I’ve done what he said. Perhaps there’s others messages.

Balaam heard his animal speak audibly. He was a sorcerer hired by a pagan king to place a curse on God’s people. God allowed Balaam to go but was angry he was going with a greedy spirit. So He sent an angel to stand in Balaam’s path. Seeing the angel with the drawn sword, the donkey stopped in its tracks. After Balaam beat him a few times, God allowed the donkey to speak.

Donkeys and dogs aren’t God’s normal methods of delivering messages. His Word, other believers, prayer, and a strong heart feeling are. God is God though and can talk any way He chooses. Who am I to confine Him by building boxes He won’t appreciate.

The method or messenger isn’t as important as the message. With Balaam, God was confronting his greedy attitude and warning him again not to do something foolish.

God’s message to all believers is “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” While crucial, that message is too general. He has a specific word—in fact, many words throughout my lifetime, I need to hear. If I’ll listen, He’ll direct my path every day. I’ll find myself praying for His will for me—as well as for others and the world—to be done on earth daily even as it is in heaven. And when I listen, I’ll experience true peace and joy.

Listen for God to speak. Don’t make Him use a donkey to get your attention. He can.

Prayer: Father, tune our ears to hear You so we won’t miss a single opportunity You place in our paths.

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