Monday, November 16, 2015

Faithful to the End - Martin Wiles

Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created. Psalm 119:90 NLT

She was a vibrant young teenager, but she had a premonition she’d never live to see 20 years of age.

Rachel Scott was popular at her high school, even though her witness for Christ wasn’t always well received. 

Two students who hated her were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. She had talked to them and tried to persuade them to stop doing all the weird things they were doing. 

During the week of Easter, both boys entered Rachel’s school and started shooting. Before approaching her, they killed another student who was witnessing about his faith. Then they shot Rachel in the leg and back. Realizing she was still alive, Harris walked over to her and asked, “Do you still believe in God?” Before he delivered the final shots that ended her life, she said, “You know I do.”  

I’m not sure how old the psalmist was when he wrote these words, but he obviously had lived long enough to observe God’s faithfulness. And I suppose he must have read and heard about his faithfulness as well. Friends, parents, grandparents. They’d all experienced God’s faithfulness and lived to tell him about it. 

I too have a heritage of hearing about and experiencing God’s faithfulness. I watched as both of my great-grandmothers witnessed of God’s faithfulness. Two of my grandparents also showed me God’s faithfulness and told me many stories to support it. Both of my parents testified to me of God’s faithfulness and lived out that belief day by day. I did the same with my two children, and hopefully they will do the same with their children. 

I’ve read of God’s faithfulness in the historical stories of the Bible and other Christian literature. I’ve witnessed it in the lives of hundreds of others. God was faithful yesterday, he is today, and he will be for as many years as I live. Faithful to fulfill every one of his promises he makes to his children in his Word. He has to be. Not to would contradict his very nature. 

Are you experiencing God’s faithfulness in Your life? 

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to us. Enable us to be as faithful to You.

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