Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Personal Guide - Martin Wiles

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. John 14:3 NLT

Life would have been much easier—and still would be, had I had my own personal guide.

I’ve never been deep sea fishing or on a big game hunt, but those who have normally hire personal guides. Personal guides know the area and where the game is likely to be found. 

I think one would have been nice to have guided me through life as well. They could have explained how much nicer it would be to use the toilet instead of soiling my diaper. How much better table food would taste than baby food. Or whole milk than baby formula. A personal guide could have steered me away from childhood rebellion by reminding me how important it was to honor and obey my parents. 

Later, he could have maneuvered me away from unhealthy relationships and stressful situations. And a personal guide could have warned me of the danger of rejecting Jesus Christ. 

Jesus claims to be a tour guide—or whatever other type of guide I might need. He’s not here personally at the moment, but he plans to return for me. A final moment is coming when I’m going to need his help. 

Death isn’t something I enjoy thinking about. In fact, I enjoy it less now than I ever have because I know I’m closer than I’ve ever been. When going somewhere I’ve never been, having a guide—whether a person or a technological gadget, is essential. In this case, I’d prefer the real thing, not a voice speaking to me through a device of some sort. 

Jesus promises he will personally come get me when it’s my time. He won’t send angels. My final journey won’t be alone. Rather, he’ll take my hand and lead me to the Promised Land. And since he knows where it is, I can trust he’ll get me there safely.

Trust Jesus to be your personal guide through life and death.

Prayer: Father, we trust You to guide us through our life’s journey and also through our final journey. 

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