Saturday, January 24, 2015

When I Don’t Ask - Martin Wiles

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So the Israelites examined their food, but they did not consult the LORD. Joshua 9:14 NLT

He who doesn’t ask may very well not receive. 

As a budding writer, I wanted to attend a writer’s conference sponsored by the person who had given me my first true opportunity to be published. The cost of the conference was reasonable, but my funds were scarce. I expressed my desire to the editor and host, and she graciously told me about a well-known author who granted a limited number of scholarships to conference attendees who had the desire but not the money. I filled out the required scholarship request and was granted the money. Had I not asked, I would have remained home and lost the opportunity to attend meetings that honed my writing skills. 

I can ask for money, time, directions, advice, pity, and a slew of other things, but if I don’t ask for God’s guidance I’m doomed from the start. Joshua didn’t and was. He had two major victories under his belt, but terrified deceivers had slipped into the camp and requested friendship. The Israelites didn’t question their story or consult God. Sadly, they belonged to a group God had instructed the Israelites to destroy lest they infect his people with sinful lifestyles. 

Not asking God’s guidance sets me up for failure. I may succeed according to someone else’s standards, but I won’t by God’s. When I launch into life without consulting God, I also demonstrate selfishness. Life becomes about me rather than him and others. My priorities and goals become jumbled. By default, leaving God out of my decisions reveals an underlying belief that he may not even care about what I’m facing presently or in the future. Satan’s temptations then become more tantalizing. 

The treasury of heaven’s blessings is mine for the taking—but only if I ask for God’s guidance. Seeking his advice in all matters means I’ll more often than not experience his best. By regularly consulting him, I’ll begin to see life’s events from his perspective rather than my own. Are you checking with God about your daily affairs?

Prayer: God of mercy and love, prompt us to consult You about every decision we make—major or minor. 


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