I knew I was about to lose my best friend. My grandfather and grandmother had recently been placed in a nursing home. Now I was receiving the call that my grandfather wanted to see me. His time was near. I had been like a son to them, so one last encounter was important. As I walked into the musty room, a smile slithered across his face, and his index finger rose into the air. “I’m going up,” he whispered. And he did shortly thereafter.
Losing my grandfather was like losing a father, but I was comforted by God’s presence reminding me my loved one was at home in heaven. Israel’s northern kingdom had been destroyed because of rebellion. Not too far in the future, the southern kingdom would fall too. Yet in the midst of grief and hurt, the prophet reminded them God hadn’t vanished. For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. (Zephaniah 3:17 NLT)
The indwelling presence of God’s Spirit gives me an unexplainable peace—a peace that transcends my understanding or ability to comprehend. God says I can hand over my supplications and prayers and in return he’ll send this tranquility. And I’ve felt it numerous times when all around me was in turmoil.
God’s presence also motivates and enables me to change my outlook. My grandfather was about to leave this earth, and Israel would soon be invaded and overrun by pagans, but God was still in control. And he is in whatever confusion I’m facing. He hasn’t left…nor will he. His presence is always as near as the prayer I whisper.
When all around you is unrest and havoc, let the presence of God give you peace and a new vision.
Prayer: Thank You compassionate and merciful Father for sending peace when all around us is in disarray.

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