Opie’s build made him an unlikely candidate to run a foot race. But the annual Sheriff’s Day boys’ race was rapidly approaching, and this year he decided to enter the 50-yard dash. He convinced himself he could win and collect a medal. Barney diligently helped him train. The day of the race finally arrived and he was pumped…until he was the last to cross the finish line. He didn’t hang around to congratulate the others. He had lost, and now he was going home. (A Medal for Opie 1962)
In my younger years I didn’t have much confidence in myself either. Not until I matured did I develop stick-to-itiveness. According to Jesus, this is what everyone needs. He delivered some hard teachings. Some decided this race wasn’t for them. At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him. (John 6:66 NLT)
Quitters never win is a logical saying. If I quit, how can I possibly win? My race for God begins when I trust Christ as Savior and won’t end until death or Christ’s return. In between the beginning of my race and the end, I must persevere. I could quit, but my love for Christ and an appreciation for what he’s done for me keep me going. I must do the training so I can do my best for him. The gifts and talents he gives me are for lifetime use. Along the way, I’ll experience stops and starts, perceived failures, and an abundance of trials, but I must keep arching for the finish line. And the good news…everyone who wants to enter the race is welcome, and all who do can be winners if they choose.
Have you quit on God? If so, get back in the race.
Prayer: Thank You Father for the privilege of being Your children. May we never give up or quit the race You’ve set before us.

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