Fried chicken…southern style. There’s nothing like it. My wife knows how to season it just right. I could eat it every day. From a good health standpoint, I understand it’s probably not beneficial for me. The grease clogs my arteries, and the skin houses enough fat and grease to do a magnificent clogging job. But I savor the flavor and taste and plan to keep eating it on every occasion I can wrap my mouth around a juicy piece of it. Some things are worth dying for.
But one thing I savor more than fried chicken is my time with God. Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! (Psalm 34:8 NLT)
Time with God just doesn’t happen. It must be planned and purposed. Even in my years of rebellion, I made time for him. I read my Bible and prayed regularly. I didn’t necessarily enjoy the time as much as I could have, but I squeezed God in. Just as frying up a pan of crispy chicken requires effort, making time for God does as well.
Not all habits are unhealthy or destructive; and spending time with the Savior is one of them. The reason I’ve been able to maintain consistency in savoring my time with the Father is because my parents taught me to make it a habit. And habits happen regularly.
When my spirit is on good terms with God, I always relish my time with him more. And this enjoyment makes me want to come back again and again…every day…and all throughout each day.
Are you savoring time with God? If not, ask him to reveal what’s preventing you from seeking and enjoying time with Him.
Prayer: Lord of heaven and earth, draw us into a daily consistent and enjoyable time with You. May we savor Your presence in our life.
This is lovely. I Tweeted it but couldn't find your Twitter Handle. Sorry,
Janis - I am following you from Hear It Sunday... I would love you to link this to Sunday Stillness.