I’ve fished many times and came up dry, but my grandmother rarely did. Had you seen her on the Santee River in her wooden boat and traditional garb, you would have assumed she was a man out for a day of fishing. But my grandmother was a fisherwoman—and a good one at that. She went often and stayed long. When I tagged along, I knew it was going to be an all-day affair. She prepared herself with frozen jugs of water and plenty of sandwiches. And her preparation normally paid off.
Jesus taught a great deal about another type of fishing but used the literal act to teach the lesson. He said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” (Luke 5:4-5 NLT)
Whether it’s talking to an unbeliever about Jesus, discovering my life’s purpose, managing an investment, making a significant purchase, visiting the prisons, or inviting a neighbor over for dinner, Jesus knows more about fishing than I do. He can see my life from beginning to end in one fell swoop, so I should consult him regardless of what river I’m fishing in.
Christ can also give me wisdom for the fishing techniques I use. He’s not only capable of engineering the end but he’s also competent enough to help me with the details to reach the end.
I didn’t always enjoy fishing all day with my grandmother—especially if the fish weren’t biting, but her endurance taught me stamina. And Jesus will give me stamina to enjoy the fishing I do when it’s done in his name and with his guidance.
Are you fishing where Jesus says?
Prayer: Merciful Lord, guide us through our daily affairs with Your wisdom so that we might enjoy life in the fullest.
Enjoyed your post very much. I love your lead with your story of your grandmother. I'm sure you must have learned a great deal from her. It is something I have been thinking about a lot - how God orchestrates our lives to give us experiences to use for His glory and His work. Vickie