*Susie had been with the company a number of years and had worked her way up to one of the most important positions in the office. Comparatively, I was a newcomer—hired to fill one of the lowest paid positions. But for some reason, our boss liked me and decided to give me Susie’s position. Susie took the news in stride but inside felt I had betrayed her. It took a heart to heart talk between us to convince her I had nothing to do with the promotion and had been just as surprised as she had been.
The writer of this psalm felt God had betrayed him. For you are God, my only safe haven. Why have you tossed me aside? Why must I wander round in grief, oppressed by my enemies? (Psalm 43:2)
I have been betrayed by some very important people in my life just as my co-worker felt she had. But where God is concerned, I’ve learned my feelings don’t always mimic reality. God may not feel near, but he is. I may feel abandoned because I have unconfessed sin in my life or because God is attempting to grow my faith. This feeling of his absence should lead me to self-examination and should birth efforts to inch closer to him.
Life has taught me God is the best friend I can have. He is the only one who will never break my trust or disappoint me in any way. Any other human—because they are that, has the potential to betray me.
If you have been betrayed and are feeling abandoned, take comfort in knowing God is always near to guide, sustain, and love you with an everlasting love.
Prayer: Thank You Father for never walking out on us and for never betraying us in any other way even though others might.
*Name changed to protect individual's privacy.
Some people are simply better qualified for a position, and being there longer has no bearing on a decision by the boss. We wonder how God figures who belongs where in his plans. Usually it is the one most unlikely! ha ♥