Parroting, imitating, mimicking, copying. Whatever the term for this behavior, I know my parents hated it when I did it to them, and as a parent I also despised it when my children followed suit. The game is played by repeating everything someone says ad nauseam until they finally blurt, “Stop copying what I say!”
Jesus, on the other hand, appreciates such behavior. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27 NLT).
Parroting Jesus involves staying on his timetable for me. On more than one occasion Jesus told individuals whom he had healed not to share what happened. A strange command from someone desiring to make a worldwide impact. But there was a reason. He was on the heavenly Father’s timetable and didn’t want his arrest, crucifixion, and death to occur prematurely.
I’ve discovered operating on God’s timetable requires spending daily intimate time with him. Otherwise I usually miss his Spirit’s still small voice directing me in a particular direction or to a specific opportunity. Hearing his voice entails consciously putting myself in an attitude of prayer throughout each day along with actually expecting him to speak to me and accomplish his work through me. The spiritual disciplines of daily bible study and prayer enhance my chances of actually hearing Jesus so I can in turn parrot his attention to God’s timetable.
Learn to parrot Jesus by making a point to live on his timetable rather than your own.
Prayer: Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, when others attempt to pull and squeeze us into a mold of behavior against Your will and plan, give us strength to obey Your plan and operate according to Your timetable.
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