Some call it merciful; others scream cruelty. When an animal is suffering with no hope of recovery, a veterinarian will often suggest putting them to sleep. I’ve done it with a beloved Himalayan cat, an adored Dachshund and my favorite rooster, Rochester. As with friends and family who’ve contracted incurable diseases ending in death, I didn’t understand why the animals I loved had to die.
Many years prior to Jesus’ birth, Isaiah predicted his death. But it was the LORD’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants (Isaiah 53:10 NLT). When the time actually arrived and Jesus informed his followers he would leave them and that it would be by the cruel method of crucifixion, they didn’t understand. Why did he have to go, and why in such a cruel fashion?
I’ve had a lifetime of “I don’t understand’s.” Some happened to me personally, others to my family, some to friends and still others to casual acquaintances. And I’ve learned God doesn’t give me an explanation for everything-nor is he required to. While in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus realized his crucifixion was near but wasn’t excited about the prospect of it. However, he took the proper course of action by trusting his heavenly Father and praying for his will to be accomplished. He was the world’s sacrificial Lamb who needed to die for our sins. When events in your life don’t make sense, learn to trust God’s heart and submit to his will.
Prayer: Thank You Merciful Savior for the comfort of knowing You’re in control even when we don’t understand life’s events.
Appreciate these points and thank you for this post. Learning to trust is difficult but rewards us with great things once we do.