Monday, June 25, 2012

Hearing God by Martin Wiles

I thought I heard him right, but I went to bed anyway.

I was living in a single wide mobile home in the woods. Our section of the state was experiencing unusually inclimate weather. Temperatures dropped, winds gusted and sleet fell. 

As I listened to the elements fight, I thought I heard God say, “Sleep on the couch tonight.” My bedroom was on the opposite end of the mobile home but seemed safer since a large pine tree loomed just outside the living room. The nagging voice continued but supposing it was my imagination, I went to my bedroom anyway. It was almost a fatal mistake.

Two a. m. arrived with the unmistakable sound of crumbling metal and breaking glass. When I roused, a pine tree was resting six inches from my face. Only the back door’s extra support saved me from being sliced in half. I discovered ignoring God can be life-threatening. 

Jesus says believers have the unique ability to hear him when others can’t. His disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand’ (Luke 8:9-10).

But some obstacles can keep even believers from hearing God. Unconfessed sin does. David said, If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened (Psalm 66:18). Sin produces static, drowning out God’s voice. Stubbornness is another. Demanding our way regardless of what God wants. “Fessing up” and remaining humble opens our ears to hear God clearly. What is God saying that you aren’t hearing?

Prayer: Father, remove any attitudes that prevent us from hearing You clearly.


  1. WOW, that is an amazing excape after you disobeyed the Spirits message! Oh how we must keep our spiritual ears tuned in continually!
