Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Be Happy - Martin Wiles

Be Happy
So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people to do in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. Ecclesiastes 8:15 NLT

My great-grandmother rarely ventured beyond the confines of her bedroom, but she was happy.

Mammy, my great-grandmother, lived with my paternal grandparents for as long as I can remember. Her bedroom was just off the living room of the old home, and in those two rooms, she spent most of her days. But she never appeared sad. Crocheting afghans was one of her passions. For weeks and months, she sat in a straight-back white chair, a basket of yarn beside her, an intense smile on her face, and worked her needles. Often, she watched Perry Mason on the television while she did so. If not him, a game show.

When Mammy wasn’t there, she lay or sat on her bed and read her Bible. I often sat with her and had long conversations.

Mammy was always happy. From today’s vantage point, she appeared to live a somewhat dull lifestyle, but obviously, she didn’t think so. She enjoyed the simple things. Wise King Solomon proposed eating, drinking, and enjoying life.

Happiness is a state of mind and not governed by circumstances or things—as Solomon discovered. Things may create happiness for a brief time, but eventually—like a child, we tire of them and want something new. And if we wait until circumstances are continually pleasant to get happy, we’ll only experience happiness infrequently.

A permanent state of happiness—like Mammy possessed—is only created through a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing our sins are forgiven lets us live with a smile—and we should. We have something to be happy about. This continual state of heart happiness validates our witness to others. A contradiction occurs if we claim to know Christ yet always appear sad. Understanding that God loves us unconditionally and that we can never do anything to make him stop is essential for maintaining a smile.

Happiness can also be caught. I caught Mammy’s, and I hope my demeanor and the words I write will help others catch the “Be Happy” attitude, too.

Be happy. Don’t let circumstances govern your smiles.

Father, remind me I can live in a state of joy because of what you’ve done.

Tweetable: Do circumstances determine your happiness? 

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