Monday, August 19, 2024

Junking for Jewels - Martin Wiles

junking for jewels
For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29 NLT

We can sometimes find jewels among junk. My wife calls it “junking for jewels,” and she once did it quite often.

When possible, I tagged along. We didn’t visit junkyards or stores, but we called what we did junking because we did it among a lot of discarded stuff—stuff many termed junk. We, however, adhered to the old cliché, “One’s man trash is another man’s treasure.”

Our junking occasionally took us to yard sales but more often to thrift stores. Whenever we went to a conference or on vacation, my wife searched for thrift stores, mapped them out, and visited each one. Once we discovered our jewels, we took them home and made them look more like the treasures they once were. We placed them in the dishwasher or washing machine, splattered them with lemon oil, or tightened their loose joints with a screwdriver or hammer.

Once our jewels were cleaned and repaired, we made a decision. Some we chose to keep in our home. Most we resold, sometimes for a handsome profit. One person’s junk often helped us make ends meet.

When God gazes down from heaven, He sees discarded people littering the shelves of earth—people others have rejected, abused, and scorned. People, however, He created and loves, but many of whom have rejected Him. Sin has duped them, causing them to think they no longer need Him. Sin has led them in directions that are slowly killing them emotionally, spiritually, and physically. God, however, keeps junking.

God cleans us up when we allow Him to purchase us through repentance, forgiveness, and salvation. The blood of Christ washes us, the grace of God changes our perceived purpose, and the strength of God allows us to enjoy life once again. As God molds us into the likeness of His Son, He transforms us from junk into jewels.

God is in the business of making jewels of what many consider junk. 

Tweetable: Be one of the ones God is cleaning and restoring.

Father, thank You for Your amazing grace that makes me more than I could ever be. 

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