Monday, July 22, 2024

Walk the Path - Martin Wiles

walk the path
Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Proverbs 4:26 NLT

Though once clear and distinct, the path has now disappeared.

Paths vary in length and purpose. The Appalachian Trail marches over two thousand miles of the roughest terrain in the Eastern United States and is traversed by thousands yearly. I’ve walked parts of it. The Foothills Trail meanders some eighty miles along the most remote mountainous areas of the North Carolina-South Carolina border. I’ve walked all of it.

But there was another path—one that connected my maternal grandparents’ home with my aunt and uncle’s. In comparison, not many people walked it, but thousands of footprints kept it well-worn. Footprints that represented numerous trips for various purposes: to eat a meal, to spend the night, to ask a question, to have a glass of Southern sweet tea, to borrow a cup of sugar, to go fishing, to go hunting, to play in the hog pen.

In 1991, one terminus of the path vanished when my grandmother died. Then, in 2015, the other terminus moved when my aunt died. 

On a final trip to see my aunt before her final trip, I noticed the path had vanished. What was once well-worn was now grass-covered. The last time anyone walked it was 1991. There was no reason. Strangers had bought and moved into my grandparents’ home. Exactly how long it was after people stopped walking the path that it disappeared, I’m not sure. But eventually, the last sprig of grass snaked over the final bare spot, and it was gone—never to be seen or walked again.

For me, this path between the two homes led to family, fellowship, love, fun, and safety. Other paths have various purposes. The one we must walk to Jesus represents forgiveness and eternal life with the God who loves us. As we walk it, spiritual growth should take place.

Paths can also lead to new friendships and love relationships—to happiness and contentment. And, of course, some paths—those that are damaging to us spiritually, emotionally, or physically—should be left to grow over, like the one between my relatives’ homes.

Consider the paths you’re walking. Where are they taking you and why? Then, walk the path your Creator planned for you.

Father, guide me to the path that leads me to You and then to the path of loving others. 

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