Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Choosing Right - Martin Wiles

There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death. Proverbs 14:12 NLT
She took her pencil, scribbled on her desk, and covered it with books.
The class had a test, and cheating was always a possibility—although I assumed their innocence until they proved me otherwise. This time one of them did.
I wanted to look at what she had written, but couldn’t bring myself to. After the late bell rang, I instructed them to clear their desks and to get out a piece of paper to cover their tests. She made sure she put her paper over what she had written on the desk. I knew I had to confront her.
“Macy, can I see you outside.”
She looked startled, as did the other students. No one said a word. She got up and followed me outside the room.
“I’m going to give you one chance to be honest. Did you write answers for the test on your desk?”
Her head dropped. “I did, but I erased them because I knew it was being dishonest.”
I felt sorry for her. She was a smart girl. I wondered why she felt the need to cheat.
“You know that’s cheating,” I reminded her.
She did, and she apologized. I could have given her a zero, but I chose to be gracious—as God is with me.
“I’ll overlook it this time, but if it happens again, you’ll receive a zero,” I sternly reminded her.
For whatever reason, cheating seemed the right way for her. Death for her could have been a zero had I enforced the rules instead of given grace. Wise King Solomon spoke of such a path too. The path varies for everyone—and the path changes during our lifetime—but any path leading us away from God and from the choices He wants us to make means death of some sort.
Choosing wrong is always easier than choosing right. Our fleshly nature makes it so. Peer pressure from various sources makes choosing right even more difficult. God has promised no temptation would be greater than His ability to help us overcome. Making choices based on His principles and commands is the best path. And if I trust Him, He’ll give me the strength to make wise choices that grow me spiritually and provide a good example for others.
Choose to make godly choices—regardless of the circumstances.

Prayer: Father, give us Your Spirit’s power so we can choose the right paths in life. 

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